

Discover how Digitize.AI document digitization can fundamentally improve your organization’s administrative efficiency.

AI Powered Performance

The advanced machine learning algorithms that power our software ensure consistent high-level performance. Enjoy up to 25% greater accuracy than traditional OCR and manual data transfer.

Seamless Integration

Our algorithms are extensively pre-trained ready for use and the software can be integrated into your operations without any need for coding. Start digitizing your documents without lengthy onboarding.

Instant Categorization

Digitize.AI doesn’t simply digitize documents. It also intelligently recognizes document types and categorizes them automatically to aid with organization, archiving, and retrieval.

Image Processing

With advanced image processing, facial recognition, and object detection, our software is perfect even for complex, multi-element documents that involve more than just simple text.

Visual Question Answering

Access your information faster. Thanks to in-built support for visual question answering, you can simply ask a question about a document and Digitize.AI will retrieve the answer immediately.

Multi Language Support

Detect written content in a wide range of different language, so it’s the perfect addition to any modern business with international trading and a diverse workforce.

Customizable Functionality

We will train the machine learning algorithms powering Digitize.AI to perfectly comprehend any type of document you specify, ensuring total compatibility with your business.

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